A step-by-step system to unlock your body's healing power and free yourself from chronic illness...by moving your body through phases using plant-based food!


Your body feels broken.
 No matter how much you try to take care of it, your body seems to be working against you. 


Yet your energy has reached an all-time low

Your symptoms have gotten worse

and you may have developed new symptoms you've never had before (hair loss, swelling, weight gain, neurological symptoms, skin conditions, etc)

You’re starting to wonder what the rest of your life will look like if you don’t heal soon. 

You never envisioned your body letting you down and holding you back physically, mentally, and even emotionally. You know there is more to life than just struggling to get through each day, the answer seems to be just out of reach. 

You know you can be confident, happy, and unstoppable if only you were free from your symptoms and conditions. 

I'll let you in on a secret: your body has been fighting for you every minute of every day, you just didn’t know it. Even when you thought you were doing everything right for your body, your persisting symptoms/conditions prove that you have been working against it. 

Join Lily Dems, founder of AHC, to heal your body and UNLEASH the confident, energetic, and sexy person you are meant to be!

In this self-paced, online program, Lily will walk you through every step of her EXACT method to reverse chronic conditions and symptoms by strategically using food and healing techniques that target the root cause.

It's the same method Lily has used to help herself and dozens of clients around the world heal and get their lives back.

Claim your spot and join now.

Hey! I'm Lily!

My entire life I had very thin hair, you were able to see my scalp, which had psoriasis since I was 4 years old.

In my teenage years, I developed fatigue, painful menstrual cycles, acne, vertigo, SIBO, IBS, and a stomach ulcer.

As an adult, I developed eczema, endometriosis, PCOS, tinnitus, and began losing what hair I had,

I felt isolated. Nobody understood why I was no longer the outgoing and thriving person I used to be.

The Lily everyone used to know was disappearing.

My chronic conditions held me back. I was FRUSTRATED every waking moment. I felt depressed and a total mess.

It seemed like my body was failing me.

I was insecure about my failing body. Looking for answers CONSUMED me. I felt guilty for not being healthy because I couldn’t be the daughter, sister, friend, or wife I used to be.

I was confused. Lost. Frustrated. Hurt.

I wasted so many years of my life searching for answers, wasting money on supplements and other products I thought would help, trying to change my diet, etc.

I applied Medical Medium protocols for 5 years with little progress and even developed severe fatigue and more hair loss.

I ended up wasting even MORE money on 1:1 coaching for help.
I still didn't understand why I was getting worse!

Years later, I developed my own formula.

I could NOT believe it!!

Within 5 months my eczema and psoriasis fully cleared with no flares. My tinnitus was gone completely.

Within just a few months, my hair stopped falling out, and within 1 year it grew in thicker than it's ever been!

I stopped being so tired all the time.

My method brought healing to all of my conditions and symptoms at such a rapid rate, I began to coach my clients, using the same exact method to help them heal, too.


...By following my proven and powerful healing formula.

Don't be left in the dark, trying to find your way out.

Instead, get step-by-step guidance to healing your body, and live unrestrained from your conditions.

AHC helps the chronically ill get their life back by STRATEGICALLY using food and healing techniques to 1. strengthen the body 2. build the immune system 3. target pathogens and poisons inside the body 4. safely remove them from your system 5. and repair/nourish the body

This immersive and in-depth, step-by-step course will show you how to heal your body using powerful healing techniques that help you get your life back!

This way, you can finally be the sexy, energetic, and confident person you were meant to be!

9 months later...

I was free from fatigue, my hair was growing thick, my skin wasn't flaring from eczema, psoriasis or acne. My monthly cycles were a breeze, I no longer had tinnitus or gut issues. I began doing what I loved, traveling, hiking, and just thriving with confidence!

This is me inside the pit of a volcano just 9 months after applying my strategy!

We traveled to Costa Rica and hiked up a volcano in just two hours!

A hike that is supposed to take 3-4 hours. It was nothing but roots and trees, no path, it was straight upward!

Once you get to the top, you can climb down into the crater, to get to a cold lake, filled up with rainwater over the years.

I was finally living an energetic, adventurous life with confidence, knowing I won't be suffering for the rest of my life.

I thought I was going to be exhausted after the hike back and would need to rest the remainder of the day.

Instead, we showered and kept on exploring Costa Rica!

THIS is what healing looks like!


In this self-paced, online program you get lifetime access + all future updates and additions. 


+each lesson is a video lecture with and without slides

+step-by-step guidance through each phase

+access to the AHC exclusive community for continuing support

+links to supplemental material and products mentioned

+$644USD *off* the full price if enrolled by Sept. 30, 2022

+ free ticket in SACRed ($2,197 value)


Take a look at the current curriculum

  1. Welcome!
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Why do you have conditions/symptoms?
Available in days
days after you enroll
  3. Protecting yourself
Available in days
days after you enroll
  4. The chronic illness-link
Available in days
days after you enroll
  5. Transitioning
Available in days
days after you enroll
  6. Adrenaline
Available in days
days after you enroll
  7. Removing and repairing
Available in days
days after you enroll
  8. Release
Available in days
days after you enroll
  9. Thyroid-Link
Available in days
days after you enroll
  10. Sleep
Available in days
days after you enroll
  SACRED Section
Available in days
days after you enroll

I wish I had someone to tell me what to do, when to do it, how to do it, and provided clear directions to follow.

I would have saved a TON of time and MONEY.


I stopped coaching my clients 1:1 because...

You don’t get CONTINUOUS support along your journey, once your session is over. You have to pay every time you need guidance.

I was in their shoes, once, and I remember still feeling overwhelmed and alone while paying for a 1:1 session.

It’s why I put my formula in a step-by-step, organized manner for you to heal your body of chronic and autoimmune conditions and symptoms.

...all in one place.

Right now, you have two options:

1. keep doing what you're doing. Keep going down this road of getting worse and not better, and hope that one day your body will choose to work differently.


2.get my ENTIRE roadmap that shows you the way to freedom, with access to expert mentorship, all for less than the price of 1:1 coaching sessions



This is your last chance baby boo,

to have me along side you, while I walk you through your healing journey to get your life back. You can finally unleash that sexy, confident, and energetic being inside of you!